Monday, July 27

Meet My New Shampoo

"...You try to improve yourself at the start of each new day; of course, you achieve quite a lot in the course of time. Anyone can do this, it costs nothing and is certainly very helpful. Whoever doesn't know it must learn and find by experience that a quiet conscience makes one strong."
- Anne Frank

Yesterday was a leisurely Sunday as any. I woke up and lounged around the house--- though most of my morning I was rooted in my bed, reading The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. I've just started reading this morning and I couldn't put the book down, even to get some of my favorite biscuits to munch on. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a great read about mystery, fantasy, and a good bit of literature. The very first sentence of the novel captured me. I was delightfully floored.

In the afternoon, I went to the mall to see Blood: The Last Vampire. The movie was lame. Too much talking which made it kind of draggy. The CG rendering of splattered blood looked so fake that it ended up like red mud/thick grease.

After that I hit the department stores because I ran out of shampoo that morning. I was using Vaseline shampoo because it makes my hair smell like it's very clean even when I'm sticky and sweating all over; and it's the cheapest, too. Last week I was thinking to myself of buying a new brand, preferably something that's higher in quality. I decided between L'Oréal Vive Pro Smooth Intense Care and Herbal Essences Dangerously Straight - Pin Straight. I'll try several shampoos out to see what's best for my hair :) I bought the Herbal Essences first because the bottle is so cute!

Isn't it so adorable? It looks like some twisty candy thing. This 355 ml costs just around PHP170 or approximately $4. Maybe I'll post a small review if the product is worth it.

See you!

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